Well, my plans for staying in C Street (CS) was short-lived. I eluded to this in the CS post. As the snow was melting here the car parts started flowing on a few local groups, this resulted in me getting some BC Racing coilovers. This was a deal I couldn’t pass up, I did decide to rebuild the coilovers before installing. The plus side, I don’t need to worry about this next year! The downside, I’m going to be dead last likely all year. I’m most excited about the upcoming HPDE and Track Night’s, the new ride height and better handling will be great.

The install was straight forward but not fast. Working alone I finished the install in 4.5 hours and was able to spin around the block before calling it a night.
Front’s went in very nicely, adjusting the ride height only took a couple attempts. I think I’ll end up going just a little lower after I can get out and test.
The rear wasn’t significantly more difficult, but the bolts are all harder to get to…
Shot of the mostly finished product. I still have to drill my front sway bar mounts to allow for adjustments. The rear trunk plastic will also need 2 little holes for the adjustment cables to come through.
Overall I’m super happy with how the car is coming together, it’s feeling great and is handling like a dream.